Hello my name is Constantine Linardakis as known as TwinPlayz on Youtube. I am a full-time/part-time 16 year old developer that loves; Programming,Scripting,Web Development,GFX,Game Design, Game Development, and making Youtube Videos. My most favorite languages would have to be; HTML, CSS, Java, Python, Processing, Lua, and starting to learn about HTML5/JS. I am very experienced in Game Design when it comes to making games with others and coming up with new content for users and making my own projects on free time. When talking about free time, I personally love to play games and make games because that is what im doing almost every day. While doing what I love I also Work every week, and play my most favorite sport Lacrosse almost every day. I handle my time by always starting off with School and making sure I stay ontop of everything, helping around the house, having fun, and then at night play my Sport. Some Careers im interested in would most definitily be Computer Science, Game Design, Web Development, Social Media Influencer (Youtube Second Career), and of course being a CEO of some million dollar idea. Some things im interested and planning on learning about would be more focused on expanding my Youtube Channel, learning more about Web Development and actually Mobile App's that can be used on a daily basis. I personally am in love with learning about things I strive for. Helping out the community, and getting to know new people is what I love in life because you get to expand on your Social Skills and you get to learn new things while your at it. At the moment I am open and looking for more help on partnerships with my Youtube and looking forward to internships with Careers im interested in.